Вивек, Вехк.
Один из Трибунала (первоначально Индорил)
Старый, лысый (иногда с огненными волосами), наполовину золотистый наполовину синий, когда-то очень красивый....
Vivec writes "The Thirty-Six Lessons of Vivec". A series of sermons that talk about the birth of Vivec, the teaching of Vivec, his numerous battles with mythical creatures and many others. This thirty-six sermons are considered sacred by the Dunmeri Temple.
Circa 1E668-1E700, Vivec and the Tribunal help Nerevar in the War of the First Council. The war between Chimer and Dwemer over Kagrenac's creation known as the Numidium, that was fueled by the Heart of Lorkhan. Chimer wins the war and the Dwemer disappeared after the use of the Kagrenac's Tools. The leader of Chimer, Nerevar forces the Tribunes to make an oath not to use the tools in the profane manner that the Dwemer had intended.
However after the controversial death of Nerevar, Sotha Sil proposes an idea of using the Kagrenac's Tools to tap the divine Heart of Lorkhan, in order to make them immortal living gods. Together they go to the heart chamber deep in the Red Mountain, and use the tools. After the ritual finished and they learn the new divine power, Daedric Prince Azura shows up, confronts them and questioning them why they broke their oath to Nerevar. The Price of Dusk and Dawn then curses them and the Chimer race. From that moment on the Chimer race is turned to Dunmer with ashen skin and red eyes.
Later in 1E2920, the Cyrodiil Empire invades Morrowind – the Four Score War. Vivec plays his part as the General of the Morrowind Army. His tactics and cunning mind destroy many of the Cyrodiil forces. However the brilliant tactics of Prince Juilek and Tsaesci, Savirien-Chorak force Vivec and the rest of Morrowind to surrender. Morrowind is now a part of the great Empire of Cyrodiil.
In 2E572, the Akaviri force invades Morrowind. Vivec teaches his people to breath water. Then he floods Morrowind, killing the invaders.
In 2E882, Dagoth Ur and his fellow Ash Vampires awaken in the Red Mountain. They successfully block the Tribunal access to the heart chamber; without an access to the Heart of Lorkhan, the power of the Tribunal starting to wane.
In 2E896, the new Cyrodiil Empire under Tiber Septim threatens to invade Morrowind. In order to avoind bloodshed and to ensure the peace, Vivec makes a deal to the Cyrodiil. He would surrender Morrowind with condition of "all rights of faith and self-government." The Septim agrees and as a seal to the successful negotiation, Vivec gives Numidium to Tiber Septim. However this treatise is not working well internally, lots of the nobles and leaders refuse the live under Imperial rule and eventually blood is spilled in a coups and battles.
In 3E417, The Tribunal loses Keening and Sunder (two of the Kagrenac's Tools).