The Elder Scrolls: Tales Forgotten


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Мать всех данмеров
Одна из Трибунала.

Almalexia, Mother Morrowind, is Mercy. Blessed Almalexia the Warden is one of the three Immortals God-Kings of Morrowind, a Pillar of the Tribunal, and the patron of Healers and Teachers. Almalexia was the virtuous wife of Lord Nerevar, and later the Consort of Lord Vivec. Almalexia is Healing Mother, the source of compassion and sympathy, and protector of the poor and weak. Boethiah is the Anticipation of Almalexia but male to her female.

Circa 1E668-1E700, after the War of the First Council and the death of Lord Nerevar, Sotha Sil, the other member of the Tribunal, manages to find a way to tap the Heart of Lorkhan in order to make themselves gods. Almalexia, Vivec and Sotha Sil go to the Heart Chamber in the Red Mountain to perform the ritual. Shortly after the ritual, Daedric Prince Azura arrives and confronts them. Sotha Sil answers the Daedric Prince and states that their people shall not worship Daedra anymore as they have better gods. Azura is furious and in her anger, she curses the entire Chimer race. Now the people are known as the Dunmer.

In the end of First Era, Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon destroys Old Mournhold. Almalexia and Sotha Sil come too late to prevent this destruction, but the two immortal gods of Morrowind successfully banish Mehrunes Dagon back to Oblivion.

Circa 2E547, Almalexia is recorded summons the Underking, in order to help her repel the invasion of Ada'Soom Dir-Kamal, a Snow Demon King of Kamal (Akavir).

In 2E882, the Tribunal loses the Kagrenac's Tools to the Sixth House. Without these tools the Tribunal cannot perform their annual ritual bathing in the heart's power. Without this ritual, the power of Tribunal is declining.

Later in the Third Era, after the death of Dagoth Ur and the releasing of the Heart of Lorkhan. The new emerging King of Morrowind, King Hlaalu Helseth is a direct opposition for Almalexia's ancient rule of Morrowind. The losing of her divine power due to the releasing of the Heart of Lorkhan is proved too much for her.

In order to secure her seat, she needs to do a drastic approach. She manipulates the new Protector of Morrowind, the Nerevarine. After some other works done by the Nerevarine on behalf of the Temple. She summons Nerevarine to her temple and asks the Nerevarine to recover Barilzar's Mazed Band. The powerful artifact is essential for her next plan. Needless to say, the wit and the strength of the Nerevarine survives Barilzar, the lich that was condemned to walk the mortal realm for eternity because of his creation, the Mazed Band.

Then a host of strange creatures, mixed of flesh and machine, attacks Mournhold. In fact this is the work of Almalexia herself. With the Mazed Band in her possession, she transports herself to the hidden Clockwork City of Sotha Sil. She slays Sotha Sil and uses Sotha Sil's Fabricants to attack Mournhold. They burst from the Plaza of Brindisi Dorom. The beautiful plaza and the monument of Almalexia's feat in the past are destroyed. From the middle of the monument, a large crack is created. This large crack leads to an ancient caves, which in turn lead to the ancient Dwemeri ruin of Bamz-Amschend. This ruin is essential for Almalexia's next move.

Some people have learned that the Tribunal are losing their divine powers. Eno Romari establishes a cult which goals are preparing the people of the passing of the Tribunal and the effect afterward. They name themselves The End of Times cult. Almalexia could not suppress them, since doing so would only bring more followers to the cult. Instead she asks the Nerevarine to go to the Bamz-Amschend to activate the weather machine Karstangz-Bcharn in order to bring the ash-storm to Mournhold. Proving that the divine powers are still within her.

Eventually, Almalexia claims that the creatures that attacked Mournhold are belong to Sotha Sil. She states that Sotha Sil has turned mad. She asks the Nerevarine to confront Sotha Sil in order to end and prevent "the attack of Mournhold."

Arriving in Sotha Sil's chamber, the Nerevarine is shocked to see that Sotha Sil has already dead. And the Nerevarine finds Almalexia waiting for him. Then she uses her remaining power and her magnificent sword, Hopesfire to end the Nerevarine's life. She wants that the people of Morrowind worship her only, she plans to slay Vivec as well and eliminate Helseth after the Nerevarine. She fails, and dies. Two glorious living-gods of Morrowind end their life in a sad miserable way.

Отредактировано Альмалексия (2008-01-23 11:20:13)


Мамо пришло!!


Да, и фиг-то мамо куда уйдет теперь (;
Кого б канонично благословить? (((%


чур не меня! *прячется где-то в плане Шегората*


*задумчиво* Нет, к Шегорату я за тобой не полезу, там воняет...
*с озаренном мыслею видом* А где у нас Сота Сил? Он-то у Шегората не спрячется!


бедный Силыч. закажу ка я ему цветов.


Ничего с Силычем сильно уж плохого не случится. И вообще, если ты забыл, это моя работа: стоять и ВСЕХ благословлять, кто ко мне придет (;


а Силыч никуда не ходит. да, пожалуй, ему и в самом деле ничего не грозит.


Ну насчет "не ходит"... я ведь могу того.. соскучиться... Вот если Нереварин ко мне скоро не придет - я ведь сама пойду.. благословлять.. кого увижу (;


тогда в Морровинде действительно наступят тяжёлые времена....

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